

We are proud to announce that we will be covering youth sports across Maryland's Eastern Shore. Have a great story to tell? Someone overcoming amazing odds? Feel free to email with the details. Be sure to check back weekly to see if new videos have been posted below for training tips, stories, and highlights.

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Kent County Spartans Capture Bayside AYF 9U & 11U Titles

Kent County Spartans Capture Bayside AYF 9U & 11U Titles

The Bayside AYF held their Championship games at Kent Island High School on Saturday, November 6. The Kent County Spartans beat the Salisbury Clovers 20-0 to win the 9U Championship. The Kent County 11U team won that title game with a 27-6 victory over the Talbot Braves. Congratulations on a great year and good luck in the upcoming AYF State games.
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Best Western Plus Easton
Bayside AYF 13U Championship Highlights
Bayside AYF 7U Championship Highlights
13U Kent County Spartans vs South Caroline Mustangs
11U Kent County Spartans vs South Caroline Mustangs