College Prep

While college isn't for everyone, it is certainly an option for many of our students across Maryland's Eastern Shore. The college search, application, and scholarship process can be grueling.

For those parents in the beginning or in the middle of the college search and application process, it can feel overwhelming. We have partnered with some experts in the field with the hope that you can learn more about college planning. Whether it be a balanced college list, how to afford college, or how to make an application stand out, we have the information for you and much more.

We hope you find this page beneficial. Feel free to click on the many videos as well as the direct link to College Placement Consulting.

College Placement Consulting
Club Sports At College Could Be An Option
The College Kids are home - Notice a Change?
In State Tuition for Out Of State School
Five Steps To Paying For College
The Edge Foundation 728

What can College Placement Consulting Do For You?

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College Placement Consulting Articles

When hiring an IEC is overkill - grade your high school guidance office

When hiring an IEC is overkill - grade your high school guidance office

Hiring an Independent Education Consultant is not always necessary. Certainly, if a student's high school invests resources into a college planning office, our services may be overkill and add extra work for a student. How can you tell in advance?

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Does Test Optional Work for You?

Does Test Optional Work for You?

Knowing the relative importance of different application components can help build a balanced application list. We can help you here!

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Club Sports - Are They For You

Club Sports - Are They For You

You’ve played a sport all your life and dream of playing in the NCAA, and now you're thinking seriously about college choices. It might be challenging to find a perfect match to balance sports and academics. A student may be surprised that to play at the Dl or even DIII level, you may have to compromise your college list. You want to compete at the varsity level. Still, you can only compete at smaller colleges, when a big university is preferred. Or you can compete at a big university, but the academics don’t match up. One solution could be college club sports.

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Athletics - Headcount, Equivalency, and D3 athletic programs - What are the differences?

Athletics - Headcount, Equivalency, and D3 athletic programs - What are the differences?

A sport that generates revenue for a University is considered a headcount sport, and most student-athletes receive full scholarships. The remaining D1 and D2 sports are titled equivalency sports. As an equivalency sport, coaches have fewer scholarships to dole out than members on the roster. Even in these sports, the odds of playing Division 1 college athletics is over 50:1 Let's look at D3 programs instead, as these programs do not offer athletic scholarships but can still pay off for students.

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Admission Probability- Does Program of Study (Your Major) Matter?

Admission Probability- Does Program of Study (Your Major) Matter?

As with almost every topic associated with college planning these days, the answer to the question of "does my major hurt or help my chances of being admitted" can be frustrating. The answer is, well yes and no. Schools differ based on whether or not the program of study has limited enrollment.

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Funding College - Understanding Your Options

Funding College - Understanding Your Options

Hang around with a group of high school parents and you’re bound to hear them discussing college. Eventually, the conversation will turn to the topic of funding college. You’ll hear worried conversations about the rising cost to attend. Some will be concerned that they might not qualify for financial aid or that they haven’t saved enough for their children’s college costs. Yet, in spite of these concerns, most will recognize that attending college is a pathway to a more secure future, higher-paying careers, and more opportunities for personal growth. So, what’s a caring parent to do? Arm yourself with knowledge!

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FAFSA 2022/2023 Form Opens October 1

FAFSA 2022/2023 Form Opens October 1

Use the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form to apply for financial aid for college or graduate school. This form becomes available after 1 am on Friday, October 1, 2021.

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College Applications and Marketing Yourself

College Applications and Marketing Yourself

Getting into the college or University of your choice can be very competitive. Click the Read More button to find out more about marketing yourself through applications.

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Interviews - Who Knew?

Interviews - Who Knew?

Did you know some colleges and universities require an interview before admission? College Placement Consulting find that interviews can be one of the casualties of not paying attention to details. Click the Read More button for more details

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Size of a College - Acreage That Is

Size of a College - Acreage That Is

Recently College Placement Consulting surveyed their students to see if they consider a campus’ size based on undergraduate enrollment or the acreage of the campus. Many mentioned acreage is more important than student population

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When To Ask for Letters of Recommendations

When To Ask for Letters of Recommendations

Thinking about going to college? You are going to need some letter of recommendations. Who should you ask? And when? College Placement Consulting answers those questions.

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